How you got here

The above QR code on your hood has directed you here. The links below will provide you with basic hood safety information and training and also offer you the opportunity explore other educational and training options.

General Chemical Fume Hood Overview

General Chemical Fume Hood Overview

Fume Hood Certified is an education and training organization. We offer a number of education and training opportunities to make your interactions with a fume hood healthier and safer. Click here for more information

Without containment testing, there is no way to know if your fume hood is working safely. Traditional containment testing using SF6 tracer gas is complicated test that is expensive and requires a qualified tester.
We have created a new containment test that is simple and inexpensive and is designed to be a DIY test with expert interpretation. Click Here for more information

We offer a program where you can keep all your hood related documents organized and in the cloud. Click here for more details
Optional - Only Appears When Manufacturer Buys option
HEMCO is the manufacturer of your fume hood. They have provided a number of online resources for your use. Please click here to see and download those resources.